生産管理システム・クラウド型EDIサービス|Factory-ONE 電脳工場の「エクス」



Mike<以下M>:Hey Jessica, I'm going to Osaka next week for business trip and I was wondering if you can tell me some
        good restaurants to eat where I can go alone and enjoy.
Jessica<以下J>:Yeah of course, I can recommend you a sushi place in Osaka.The name of the restaurant is
         "Genrokuzushi." It's actually the first revolving sushi restarunt in Japan.
M:Oh it's a sushi go round restaurant? I have never been to one. What's it like?
J:It's not like the expensive sushi bars, the sushi there are reasonable and the atmosphere is casual. Most of the dishes
  are between $1~5. Usually there are two pieces of sushi on one plate.
M:I'm excited to go!
J:It's quite funny to see people pulling their dinner off the conveyor belts. It's like waiting for their luggage in an airport.
M:So far sounds perfect! It's just that I like sushi but I cannot eat some of the raw fish. Does the restaurant have dishes
  other than sushi?
J:Of course, it has some non-seafood dishes, such as noodles(udon), fried chicken and dessert depending on the
M:Sounds great! I think I will try it! Thanks Jessica.

 sardine/イワシ  mackerel/サバ  sea bream, porgy, red snapper/タイ(鯛)  scallop/ホタテ貝
 horse mackerel, jack mackerel/アジ  squid/イカ  conger, sea eel/アナゴ  bonito/カツオ
 red clam/赤貝  salmon/サーモン  tuna/マグロ  fatty tuna/トロ  salmon roe/イクラ
 shrimp/エビ  sea urchin/ウニ  tuna roll/鉄火巻き  cup-steamed egg custard/茶碗蒸し

 revolving sushi, sushi go round, sushi train/回転寿司  reasonable/それほど高くない
 atmosphere/雰囲気  conveyor belts/ベルトコンベア  luggage/荷物  a wide range of/幅広い
 raw fish/生魚


関西Actualizers(アクチュアライザーズ) プロフィール

2015年4月設立。経験を通じて、「海外留学や海外生活を考えている人たちの背中を押したい」と考える関西のグループです。 海外生活をする、外国人を迎え入れることにあたって知っておくと良い事や役立つ情報などを発信しています。



To the world (世界へ)


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