生産管理システム・クラウド型EDIサービス|Factory-ONE 電脳工場の「エクス」





Carol<以下C>: Hi, Jim, how many days are you going to stay here this time?
Jim<以下J>: I am going to stay here for 5 days. How lucky I am to have one-day off this time!
C: Oh, I am glad to hear that! Do you have any plans on that day?
J: Unfortunately, I have not decided yet. I would like to visit some historical places. Where do you recommend?
C: If you are interested in visiting shrines, I recommend you going to Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine in Kyoto which is the most popular sightseeing spot in Japan. Fushimi Inari Taisha is the head shrine of about 30,000 Inari-shrines throughout Japan and people gather here to pray for success in business and huge harvest.
  In general, Inari-shrines are also known as 'O-inari-san' which is the most familiar shrine to Japanese people.
  When you go to Fushimi Inari Taisha, you will be impressed with thousands of red torii gates which are called 'Senbon Torii' in Japanese. I have some pictures. Please look at them!



J: Wow! It is amazing! I am sure I will go there!
C: The Fushimi area where Fushimi Inari Taisha is located is famous for its Japanese sake. There are many Japanese sake's breweries in this area. You can try some Japanese sake there. I know you like Japanese sake, why don't you try some there if you have time!


 神道/Shinto  仏教/Buddhism  寺/Temple  狛犬/guardian dogs
 賽銭箱/an offertory box  賽銭を入れる/give an small offering
 おみくじを引く/draw a paper fortune  お守り/a lucky charm
 おじぎをする/bow  手をたたく/clap your hands
 手を合わせてお祈りする/put your hands together and pray

関西Actualizers(アクチュアライザーズ) プロフィール

2015年4月設立。経験を通じて、「海外留学や海外生活を考えている人たちの背中を押したい」と考える関西のグループです。 海外生活をする、外国人を迎え入れることにあたって知っておくと良い事や役立つ情報などを発信しています。



To the world (世界へ)


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