生産管理システム・クラウド型EDIサービス|Factory-ONE 電脳工場の「エクス」




Jim<以下J>: Hey, Carol. I would like to see colored leaves this weekend. Where do you recommend?
Carol<以下C>: Well, there are many spots around here where you can enjoy colored leaves. But one of the good places
         that I recommend is Nara Park. If it is sunny and warm this weekend, you can have a picnic there.
J: Wow, that sounds fun!
C: Besides, do you know there are many deer in Nara Park? Deer in Nara Park are wild animals which are considered
  sacred and designated as a National Treasure. You can give deer crackers to them, which is really fun. Especially, in
  autumn, the antlers of buck deer are cut off to prevent rutting deer from damaging to trees in the park, causing injury
  to the residents and tourists in Nara. This event is called 'Shika-no-tsunokiri' and has been held since Edo Period.
  Deer are really cute, but they are sometimes really pushy when you have deer crakers! Be careful!
J: Thank you very much for your information!

  fish/魚 carp/鯉 sheep/羊 Japanese/日本人 等
  1.pass the buck/責任転嫁する <buck/雄鹿>
    例)My boss always passes the buck.(私の上司はいつも責任転嫁する。)
  2.Doe, a deer, a female deer/ドレミの歌の「ドはドーナツのド」の部分
  3.like a deer caught in the headlights/激しく驚く、非常におびえている

 enjoy see the autumn leaves(colored leaves)/紅葉狩り
 moon viewing/お月見  Labor Thanksgiving Day/勤労感謝の日
 pacific saury/秋刀魚  chestnuts/栗  persimmon/柿
 matsutake mashroom/松茸
 Autumn is the best season for ~/~の秋
 ※Autumn is the best season for reading./読書の秋

関西Actualizers(アクチュアライザーズ) プロフィール

2015年4月設立。経験を通じて、「海外留学や海外生活を考えている人たちの背中を押したい」と考える関西のグループです。 海外生活をする、外国人を迎え入れることにあたって知っておくと良い事や役立つ情報などを発信しています。



To the world (世界へ)


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